25 November 2022

Triggering Traps

Whatever you do, don’t tell them that you can barely see their adam’s apple anymore. Do it this way instead  

If there is a trap that you do not know about and a character performs the trigger action, there is only a 2-in-6 chance that he will trigger it. That means it might hit the second, third, fourth character to pass by. 

Using a ten foot pole as you go is sound practice because then the ten foot pole counts as a character for the purposes of triggering and being targeted by a hidden trap. 

If you have discovered a live trap, you will be able to trigger it harmlessly or bypass it safely unless it is magical in nature. 

Native monsters will always bypass traps harmlessly unless it’s dramatically approaching for a trap to hit them, or the clever players devise a way to use a trap offensively against a hapless monster. 

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