28 November 2022

Wearing Magic Items

There’s a second kind of inventory management using slots, and that’s wearing magical gear. 

Magic isn’t always logical. It’s magic. That’s one of its charms. For all the boons it can grant, there are strange challenges as well. 

For instance, you can’t wear more than one magic ring on your hand. If you do, the rings interfere with each other and neither works. Same with more than one necklace, gauntlets and bracers, belts and girdles. Some sages and wizards believe that this is because the Vorpals bound within are haughty and capricious and will refuse to coax if they share duty with another. 

Here are the numerical limits on magic gear per person. Pay attention. Some of these are obvious but some aren’t. 

  • One helmet, headband, hat or crown per head. This replaces the mundane helmet. 
  • One set of eyeglasses or goggles, but only if the figure has at least binocular vision. 
  • One necklace per neck or one brooch per chest. 
  • One ring per hand.
  • One pair of gauntlets or pair of bracers but not both.
  • One belt, sash or girdle.
  • One pair of boots or slippers.
  • One shield.
  • One suit of armor or magic clothing.

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