06 December 2022

Cragstone's NPCs Updated

This feels finished. The only thing left to name is the pub, and I'm going to throw that out to the audience to see what they have to say.

You will see that the NPCs all have names, purposes and locations. The locations will be slightly fluid but these are good places to find the people. Locations a-c are not really locations. They are more like ranges. a, b, and c are guard watches. a in the morning, b in the afternoon, c as relief. d is "anywhere in town" and e is in the countryside as a special encounter. 

Note that there is a Catholic church in town but no regular NPCs are inside. Both churches will sell holy symbols and holy water, and do exorcisms and detox, but only Edrick the Coward is a true cleric. 

I have some idea of how the town will be laid out. I have not decided where the local dungeon or dungeons will be located or what wandering monsters will lurk within the home hex. Yet. 

Click to embiggen.

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