02 December 2022

The People of Cragstone

The starting town for the campaign will be the village of Cragstone in the principality of Aluvia. The town is named for the ancient hero Thorsten Cragstone. The town square has a statue of him, but nobody really knows what he actually looked like.  

What handsome children!

Here is an utterly useless list of the 45 townspeople that the PCs might interact with in town. Of course there are a lot more people in Cragstone - I think the number will be 500 (100 families.) That gives us enough folks to farm and raise cows. 

But here, should there be some Hobbit families mixed in with the people? Cragstone is the kind of place Hobbits would like. Bucolic. 

The authority figures in town are... I guess... Lieutenant Kenneth and Oswent the Town Crier, with Sergeant Shanks in there somewhere. People probably just solve their own problems, mostly, and there probably isn't a lot of crime. Frs. Berry and Gildenhearn are probably pretty helpful too. 

There's also a docks area, since Cragstone is on the river, but it isn't a commercial hub. There isn't even a regular ferry service. If you want a ride, you have to get someone to sail or row you. I don't know whether I should make up some NPCs for the dock area or not. Probably at least one cartoonish sea captain. I'll keep thinking. 

If I were to randomly assign an appearance and a personality trait to each of NPC, I would use Table 1. It's also useful if you need a name on the fly. Say! Maybe one of these people is the aforementioned sea captain or a dock worker? Who knows!

If you're wondering how you can make up your own passel of commoners, you might consider this site: 


or this site: https://coinsandscrolls.blogspot.com/2017/07/horrible-peasant-npc-generator.html

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