28 December 2022

Welcome to Cyfandil

An enjoyable rustic pastime 

Cyfandil is a temperate island chain at a northern latitude, consisting two major islands and hundreds of smaller ones. Its land area is about the same as Madagascar, or a little larger than the British Isles. 

Demi-Men live here and there, but are somewhat uncommon. Besides, there’s quite enough cultural variety in Man’s tripartite lineage: Aluvian, G’harundim and Sho. 

Our part of the realm is Aluvia, which is a lot like Medieval Northern Europe. 

Aluvian civilization has risen at times and fallen at others, leaving mysteries and secrets in the deep forest; but the Aluvian people carry on regardless. 

Now the Aluvian League is experiencing spots of turmoil, as it does from time to time. Robert, the Duke of Sutton, is attempting to unseat King Bradnwyr. Nobles have begun to form up in support of one or the other. Little skirmishes have commenced here and there- the usual vainglorious summer nonsense.

Thus far, the war has kept itself at a sensible distance. Merchants and pilgrims bring news from the corners of the Realm. War news has been interesting and non-threatening, like hearing the final result from a rousing shinty match at Glenden Wood. It’s something harmless for the old gainsayers to gainsay about when meeting in town.


Welcome to Cragstone


Our little part of Aluvia is called Lleannedd March. Our town is Cragstone, named for its founder, Thorsten Cragstone, the hero of times past. Neither a village nor a city, Cragstone is home to 100 families. The economy is based on trade by road and river. Among those men and Hobbits whose business it is to know such things, Cragstone is known best for producing an excellent grade of honey. 

Where You Come In

You are members of the mysterious Order of the Brass Dragon, a society by, of and for adventurous men. However, it is a society with absolutely no benefits, nor dues, nor oaths whatsoever. Benefits, that is, aside from your brooch: a smart brass brooch with which to hold your cloak in place, and the moderate air of mystery such a brooch might lend. 

A nigh-distant but fitting goal for a character when he starts will be to collect enough money and power to conquer a hex, build a castle or other great dwelling, and become a Lord. However, a player must decide what each of his characters truly wants from his paper life.


What Everyone Knows in Leanned March

• Strange noises come from the accursed wood just outside town.

• The Empire is enjoying civil war again.

• Roads are dangerous! Monsters and bandits prey on unsuspecting travelers. Stick together.

• Locusts destroyed the crops last year in Glenden Wood.

• Rithwic was hit by the plague. Some say it was G’harundim merchants who brought it there. 

• Most people say Druids are a myth.

Patrons and Factions:

•Lord Alberz, Marquis of Rithwic. His delegate in Cragstone is Lieutenant Kenneth.

•Dockmaster Brodus Stoneriver of the Dwarven Sea Clans. 

•Brienne of the Collectors Guild.

•Various Chaotic types outside the towns. 

Concepts of Note


Character death is close so decisions are more meaningful. 

Henchmen are important. 

Cha > Str.

Speak in natural language. I will adjudicate. I will show you what rules I use when applicable. 

Town is safe. Your character cannot die in town. 

House Rules


The Bullpen.

Any adventuring party is permitted to have a maximum of 40% demi-men.

Race as class.

Strict observation of time.

Slow Healing.

Clerical discontinuity and other unusual rules. 

Stochastic Rounds.


No initiative. 

Light sources. 

Opportunity attacks. 

Splintered shields.

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