13 January 2023

Better Retainers

In my player’s rule book, I counsel the players to convert their henchmen to retainers asap but don’t say how that works. 

This is how. 

Henchmen, Hirelings, Specialists and Retainers 

We toss these words around as if they are interchangeable, but they’re not. 

Henchmen and hirelings are indeed interchangeable - they are the NPCs who work for pay and fight on the PC’s behalf. 

Specialists are those with skills other than fighting and dying; anyone from a seamstress to a swordsmith to a solicitor. 

None of these types ever gains XP, even if they have a class and level. 

Retainers come in three flavors: special trusted assistants to the PC with class and level who take up a Retainer slot, charmed creatures (who also take up Retainer slots) and special animal companions such as a Paladin’s war horse or wizard’s familiar. 

Retainers must be of a lower experience level or hit die than the character himself. Indeed, why would an NPC pledge his service to a lord who is as inexperienced as himself? The purpose of becoming a retainer, or follower, is to gain protection, knowledge, and reputation from the greater lord. 

On retainers’ experience levels

No matter what level the PC is, the vast majority of those who will offer service will be of first level. PCs of level 4 or higher will attract 2nd or 3rd level retainers 20% of the time. (81-90 2nd, 91-00 3rd.)

PCs of level 8 or higher will attract followers up to 6th level. (61-70 2nd level, 71-80 3rd level, 81-90 4th level, 91-97 5th level, 98-00 6th level.) 

If a PC has at least one henchman of level 1 or better, and they have henched for the PC for at least one season, one henchman of the Referee’s choice may ask to become a retainer. At which point the PC may accept, converting that paid hireling into a trusted Retainer, or the PC may decline. If he declines, the henchman will make a morale check. If failed, he will leave the PC’s company immediately in shame, anger or disgust. 


PCs with their maximum retinue will not receive such offers of servitude. 

Dwarfs will not pledge service to elves or hobbits. Elves will not pledge service to dwarfs or hobbits. Men may pledge service to hobbits but it is unusual to see. Of course each race strongly favors its own as master. 

A magic-user will not pledge his service to a cleric.

A cleric will not pledge his service to anyone except a cleric or a lawful fighting-man, dwarf or hobbit. 

An anticleric may pledge service to anyone, but it is usually for ulterior motives. 

Another exception is in the case of a wizard with Charmed minions. A low-level wizard may be able to collect a minion of greater level, such as a first-level wizard with an ogre in a retainer slot 

Henchmen gaining levels

A Retainer levels up normally just like any character. In the unlikely event one attains the same level as his master, he will then immediately leave to seek his own fortune, perhaps and a friend and perhaps not. 

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