09 January 2023

Four-Point Alignment

 I’m having a bit of a think about three-point alignment. Follow me here.

Pretty accurate tbh

“Law” means on the side of people

“Chaos” means against them

“Neutrality” has two meanings. It can mean that the alignee doesn’t know/doesn’t care, as is the case with low-INT monsters; and it can mean someone who actively seeks balance, like the Druid does. 

What if we split those two meanings of Neutrality? 

We would have an Unaligned alignment - that is, someone who doesn’t know about the cosmic battle of law and chaos; and we would have the Balance alignment, of someone who is aware and makes an affirmative choice to stay out of the cosmic struggle and/or actively fight for the underdog, whoever that might be at the moment. 

The achromatic alignment language would stay with Balance. Unaligned wouldn’t get an alignment language of its own. 

What do you think?

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