01 January 2023

The Dungeon 53 Challenge

Dickstein the Barking Alien suggests playing the Dungeon 23 challenge on Easy Mode, which is actually a pretty good idea. Instead of doing 365 rooms, do 53 meaningful rooms - one per Sunday on the 2023 calendar. Not sure I'm going to do it, but I did think up some interesting ideas for it. 

A ziggurat dungeon in G’harun

Secret trap door to the top level where there is some kind of blood sacrifice.

ACLs, undead, poisonous snakes and scorpions, a hungry hungry hippos themed bonus basement level with zombie hippos (!) only reachable through a door on a higher level. Maybe through a chute.

A balcony level with a huge shaft from the bottom to the top - through the hippo room

Each level (?) has a tunnel to a secret egress on the outside of the ziggurat.

Use Sultai cards to spur imagination. 

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