07 January 2023

Time Tracking Sheets for Your OSR Games

I've decided to hand off a lot of the responsibilities of bookkeeping to my several players. It will take some pressure off me as well as keep them immersed in the world.

So here is a time tracker sheet. It tracks the Day by hours. It tracks the hours by ten-minute Turns. If we have to go to Round time, there are plenty of ovals there at the bottom. 

Note the R for Rest. Note the three overnight Watch shifts. Note the rations, waterskins and pints of oil dwindling. This should be a visceral reminder that we're all on the clock. 

In my game, Rounds are one minute long (more or less) rather than mere seconds. I find that one minute is granular enough to handle everything, even chase scenes. Time just doesn't have to be any more precise than that. 

This chart, or one quite like it, will be quite important since time is quite important. 

You can get your copy here: Time Tracker 

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