16 February 2023

Installing Disease Procedures

Once you've got a calendar and the players are used to switching their characters in and out for whatever reasons, you can institute disease rules. I really don't know whether I'm going to use these long term or not but I want to test them out with my guys in the coming weeks.

On the Calends, each player checks disease for each of his PCs and NPCs. One check a month is fine. If they come up sick, there was probably some incubation period.

A Mild illness lasts 1d3 weeks. It precludes adventuring and fighting in wars, but not other activities.
A Severe illness precludes all activities. It lasts 1d2 weeks and taxes the patient 50% of his Hit Points, which will then recover normally. It is followed by 1d2 weeks as Mild.
A Terminal illness lasts 1d12 days, then demands a Save vs. Poison each morning, or die. Effects of a Terminal disease are permanent until healed through magic or something similarly fantastic.

If at any time STR, or DEX reach 0, the character is in a coma at zero Hit Points.
If at any time INT or CON reach 0, the character is dead.
If at any time WIS reaches zero, the character cannot receive meaningful sensory information.
If at any time CHA reaches zero, the character has lost the ability to communicate whatsoever.

Cure Disease can fix almost any disease. A hedge wizard, witch, druid or priest may have knowledge that will help a character or even cure them. These services come at a price. 

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