23 February 2023

Magic Swords are a Fighting-Man Class Ability

In the old game, 20% of all magic items are swords. Only Fighting-Men can use swords. 



They all talk and they all have personalities.

They all have special powers to be discovered.

They all have cool lore for me to invent later on.


It actually take a little bit of time to craft an AWESOME magic sword worthy of the name. So I put together a little list of a few for when they hit the treasure hoards. 


At some point if this becomes a really important thing to the players, I may even decide to place them rather than rolling them randomly.


Because we're doing race as class, I think that Fighting-Men, Dwarfs, Elfs and Hobbits will all be able to use magic swords. But Dwarfs won't be able to use Claymores and Hobbits will only be able to use Backswords, on account of their smaller sizes.


But here are the first three swords that will hit the table as we play.




Int 9 +1/+2 vs undead, Ego 2

Telepathic with wielder and speaks Lawful

Motivation: kill undead types

Forged by the ancient Dandol people, long departed from this realm.

Minor power: place sword on ground for 1 Turn and it will point in the direction of the nearest potable water

Blade of steel and grip of stone

True name is lost to mortal men. Requires speaking with an Outsider, a specific long-dead sage named Osran Crimson, or a Wish

When the wielder’s HP fall below 11, roll d6. On a 6 the sword takes over.




Int 9 +1, Ego 5. +1 sword.

Motivation: Renown only

Telepathic with wielder and speaks Common

Forged by the mad wizard Apius

Minor power: once per week it can reveal the veracity of a rumor

Blade of steel, grip of emerald

True name is revealed when held by an honest man. (the ivory inlay has a monk holding it aloft.)

When the wielder’s HP falls below 14, roll d6. On a 6 the sword takes over.


Fortune’s Lantern


Int 7, Ego 2. +1 sword.

Motivation: Renown only

Telepathic with wielder

Forged by the mad wizard Ogast

Minor power: reveal any hidden thief or ninja-types within 60’

Blade of steel, grip of horn

True name inlaid upon the blade in a forgotten language

When the wielder’s HP falls below 9, roll 1d6. On a 6, the sword takes over.


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