14 March 2023

Cyfandil Session 3

Session date: 13 March 2023 AD
Campaign Date: 26 March 998 PY

Alyson playing Bob The Recker F1
Lily playing Athena MU1
Don playing Orc Hand F1 (chaotic)

Deaths: none
Level ups: none
Snacks eaten: 12 cupcakes, some japanese tortilla chips, several glasses of milk, two oranges, lots of water, some blue Play-Doh noodles

Don and Lily making evil plans.

We almost had a full table finally. Nathan and his wizard, also named Nathan, were absent due to illness. Maybe next week we will be at full strength? We will need it!

We spend another hour or so on session zero stuff since Don is brand-new and there was stuff Lily didn't get to hear last week. 

The several characters bravely and greedily headed into the dungeon. Athena and Orc Hand got hit with gloom, but soldiered on. Athena immediately cast her spell, Detect Magic, and it came to naught. 

Room 2, Bob the Recker shouted down a long hallway for some reason, which gave them an automatic wandering monster. It was this guy:

After losing two daggers and a sword, they figured out what it was, fed it some iron (ha-ha) rations, and stabbed it. It didn't have any treasure of its own but they did find an amazing 5 silver pieces in the rubble. 

Now one of the fighters was out of weapons and the wizard was out of spells and weapons, so they decided to retreat. They brought the carcass back to the surface with them. Townsfolk were eager to see what was going on and reacted to the carcass with awe and disgust. 

NPC Magnus Goodbody, a member of the Cragstone Collectors Guild, offered them 100 GP for the body, a price to which they happily agreed. 

FYI a strange creature like this should be worth about 100 GP/HD dead and perhaps more (or less) alive. 

PROPS: Don and Alyson for some seriously hilarious RP

SLOPS: The other guests in the house who were as noisy as the king of France

HONORABLE MENTION: the stuffed bunny

Alyson proudly demonstrates her two stars, which
betoken Bob the Recker living through two adventures. 

Memo to fellow Refs: The players REALLY love the star stickers, even though they have no game mechanical value. It's a game and stickers are fun!

1 comment:

  1. Bob is the BEST!!!!!!!! He delivered the killing blow heh


Stay focused.