06 March 2023

Food, Water, Air

Outdoor survival is theoretically a cornerstone to overland travel, although rules about it are scant. I don’t feel like diving into the DSG (shame on me) so I’ve written my own rules on starvation.

This stuff shouldn’t come up a heck of a lot but it will be critical to have such rules when it does come up. The last thing I want is to waive off rationing on one hand, or arbitrarily killing a figure on the other.

In terms of long-term starvation, characters need food in three weeks, water in three days and air in three minutes. 

At the end of one period without food or water, they lose 1/3 of their healthy hit point total and can no longer heal. Then at the end of the second period, they lose another 1/3. Finally at the end of the third such period, they are at 1 hit point and must save or die every day. It takes as long to heal back as the starvation lasts. 

Suffocation requires a Save vs death after three minutes and every minute thereafter. 

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