15 March 2023

The Charge (combat maneuver)

Never don’t misunderestimate the power of a massed infantry charge, even against very tough creatures such as dragons and dinosaurs. When lead by a Hero or better, they will also force a morale check. 

The Charge: A "Charge" is a melee action in which your character moves as fast as possible, planning to use a weapon at a point of impact, benefitting by the force added due to momentum. 

A PC or other character can "Charge" anywhere as long as he expends at least half his base full move in the process, and only if he is holding and using a melee weapon. 

A Charging character is +2 to hit, but -2 Armor Classes. (This is one of the rare instances where a figure can earn an attack bonus rather than just a damage bonus.) 

If your man’s “Charge” hits, the damage inflicted is double normal; throw twice the normal number of dice, and then apply bonuses (strength, magic, etc.)

Charging creatures must have suitable weapons: a skirmish weapon or large horns or tusks. A monster without such weaponry doesn't have the ability to charge.

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