21 March 2023

Cyfandil Session 4


The way Charm Person works in my game is, the charmed person takes up a Retainer slot. They check to break the charm periodically, the period based on their INT. It only works against man-types (humanoids up to 4 +1 HD - ogres are right at the top of that power curve.)

Meet Grimm

Hilariously, one of our wizards, Athena, is cursed to live as a midget. She is 3’ 11” tall, and she just charm personed an 8’ tall ogre. They will have to check to see if the charm is broken in… 30 days. 

Until then, talk about an odd couple! 

This is the kind of plot that you just couldn’t write. It can only come as a result of weird game loops; the story emerges from actual play. 

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