22 March 2023

Shield Shenanigans

Shields Shall Be Splintered! is a combat maneuver available to figures who wield a shield as a class feature and are actually wielding one at that moment. 

Rather than permit a particular successful melee or missile attack, the player may choose to give up the figure’s shield - to allow it to be destroyed in exchange for not taking that instance of damage and effect. 

The player may choose this action after damage is rolled. 

He may not use this action against a spell, spell-like ability or an attack that deals no damage. 

In the case of a magic shield, using this action reduces the magical plus of the shield by one for 24 hours. A magical shield stripped of its pluses will splinter normally. 

nb: A canny player may have his main figure hire a shield bearer who can hold an additional shield or two for him in order to Splinter more often. 


Two and only two figures with shields can stand abreast and Mate their shields, granting each other an additional +1 AC. 

BONUS: Henchmen Shall Be Splintered!

A PC figure which is adjacent to one of his followers (such as a porter, link-boy, or mercenary,) the player may sacrifice that NPC just like the figure’s own shield. 

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