20 March 2023

The Lore of Cyfandil, Session 3

March 26, 998 PY 

A fortnight past the town of Cragstone held its annual festival, the Feast of the Annunciation. Unbeknownst to me, and—I dare say— most other citizens of Cragstone, there was discovered that day a secret passage below the plinth of the statue of Thorsten Cragstone. 


A band of adventurers, three in number, set out to explore this newfound passage. Two of these adventurers—fighting men both—known as “Bob the Recker” and “Orc-Hands” were classmates in our local academy for youth. Each 19 years, accomplished in military matters, and experienced in battle. A third, named Athena, a professed user of magic, also 19, accompanied them. There was to be a fourth to the band, a certain wizard by the name of Nathan, but he was struck with a fierce illness and was unable to attend.


While the two fighting men are known to the people of Cragstone, having gained some renown through their prowess on the battlefield as well as their near perpetual feuding, the background of our magic users, Athena and Nathan, is less clear. 


It was apparent from the outset that this was to be no ordinary adventure. Upon entering the crypt, two of the adventurers reported experiencing gloom, which they attributed to a kind of trap or spell set at the entrance to the dungeon. This appeared to be only a minor inconvenience, they took no heed, and proceeded on. The entranceway offered three passages– one right, one left, and one proceeding straight ahead. They chose the left passage. Moving left they encountered a long hallway. Bob the Recker thought it best to scare off any would-be attackers and let out a mighty shout. A squat creature, somewhat reptilian or insect-like in appearance approached them.


Orc-Hands charged the creature and missed. The creature was discovered to have an oozing liquid that could be excreted from its tail. This liquid was ejected onto Orc Hand's sword causing the sword to quickly rust, rendering it useless. Athena commenced to attack the creature, although she too was repelled, her dagger reduced to rust.


Our once brave company at this began to fret. Athena, in a flash of inspiration, decided to toss a day’s ration of iron to the creature. The trick worked and the beast quickly went to feast on the morsel. Given an opportunity to strike Bob took out his bow and loosed an arrow into the beast wounding, but not defeating it. Aroused, the beast struck again, this time turning Orc Hand's dagger to rust. Two out of our three adventurers three were now disarmed. There was no need to worry though, for Bob’s second arrow struck true and took down the beast.


The crew, disarmed and thankful to be alive, resolved to retreat for the day and return when better equipped. Orc-Hands skewered the beast on a ten-foot pole he had brought with him and with that the crew left the dungeon. Emerging into the light of day they were met by a crowd that had gathered in the square. What is this? They are being cheered and praised as champions.


Among the crowd was a knowledgeable man about town, Magnus Goodbody, who offered them 100 gold pieces for the carcass of the beast. Goodbody recognized the creature immediately, identifying it as a “rust monster” (actually, as it so happens, this is quite a common creature in the known dungeons of Cyfandil). Our adventurers, surprised at their good fortune, took their gold pieces and went to town, exploring the various shops for merchandise so they might restock and prepare for another adventure in the tomb of Thorsten Cragstone.


Servant of Lore,

Ser Thomas Perscors

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