19 March 2023

Time Saved is Content Gained

Need me one of them light-up floaty things

For some reason this week, I have been thinking about savings time. Can’t figure out why, but I’m going to enjoy the new, later sunset while I ruminate. 

Daily Savings 

One great way to consume more content while we play is to keep your next action queued up. 

Once you discharge your action for a Round or Turn, immediately start thinking about your next one. That way when it comes around to you again, you can tell us what your figure is doing right away. 

If each player does this, we can shave seconds or minutes off of each gameplay loop, and this time adds up as the night unravels. 

Weekly Savings 

Another good idea is for the several players to communicate during the first part of the RL week and come up with questions they want their players to have answers to when they reconvene. This gives the Ref a chance either to research or to plan what those answers are. 

Obviously there will be some info each figure will seek, and many times this info will be secret. Submit these questions to the Ref separately of course. 

Some of these questions will have immediate resolutions because they will be things the characters will already know (but the players and Ref may yet not know.) Some will require offscreen acts from the figures, or even a quest for the correct sage. Finally, some will form the basis of further onscreen adventures for the whole party. 

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