24 December 2022

Bullpen Chargen

No, not that bullpen. But close.

I think what I'm going to do is have each player roll up four sets of stats and a job and then have them assign a character class to each one. One limit is that only one of the four can be a demi-man. I'll call this the "Bullpen" and each player will have one. 

He will then choose one of the four and flesh it out into a whole character, and that will be his PC. When that PC dies (as they do) or needs a rest or retires, then they will go to their bullpen to flesh out the next guy. 

Let me show you the bullpen sheet. It will get better, but this one is functional:

Note the "Job" box. I made a list of bad medieval jobs (and some good ones too) and put them on a table. This is where the character came from before he was an adventurer. About 70% of all PCs will be farmers. A very few will have a useful background skill. If they get one, that's great, they can use it. 

Here are the Jobs tables:

This sheet is completely unfinished. I don't know what I will do to make it more attractive. I'm only showing it so you can see what jobs there are. 

Go ahead, ask me what a penfolder does. I dare you.

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