14 December 2022

Magic Item: Sovereign’s Orb

The Sovereign’s Orb is a symbol of Godly power. A cross above a globe, it represents ‘Christ’s dominion over the world’, as the Cleric is God’s representative on Earth.

It is a blue metal sphere 12” in diameter, engirdled with platinum set with diamonds and emeralds. 

It is capped by a wooden cross about 3” tall traced by the finest platinum wire. This ornament is taken from the One True Cross and would be on its own a relic of exquisite power. 

If a layman should touch the Orb, it will discharge electricity which will arc between all non-lawful figures within 1 scale inch, dealing 1d6 hits to each such figure (save vs breath for half.)

Should a neutral or Chaotic Cleric handle the Orb, it will discharge electricity as above but also burn that figure for 1D6 acid damage each Round, no save. 

Any earnest Lawful supplicant may hold this artifact, but only a few can activate power. Only Lawful clerics of 5th level or higher may successfully equip this item. 

The Orb is a divine casting focus. It casts continuous Protection from Evil on the bearer and grants a +2 to Saves. Spells cast while equipped are -2 to Save and have double range or double effect, DMO. It functions as a holy symbol +2 to Turn undead. 

Because it is so large, the man so equipped cannot equip a weapon or shield in addition, but may use it in one hand while stationary by resting that hand upon it. 

When combined with the Crown and Scepter, it raises the bearer’s Charisma to 18 and immunizes him from hold, charm and curse type spells. 

There is an opposite Orb, the Orb of Perdition, which has similar benefits for the Chaotic Anti-Cleric. It is distinguished only by a slight difference in the cut of the emeralds, noticeable only by a Cleric or Dwarf. 

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