14 January 2023

On 0-Level Retainers

Among those servants that a PC might employ, it’s possible that he finds a likely lad of 0th level, takes a shine to him, and adds him as a retainer. Such an event should be rare, but possible. 

In such a case, the new retainer may attain level one by earning 100 XP and training for a week. We assume that such training as is available has been going on thwence, or else such a hireling would not show the aptitude necessary to catch the PC’s eye. 

The new first-level human retainer will have a class as determined by the following table; of course, dwarfs and hobbits will enter into their natural class. 

If the PC is:


  • Fighter 1-60
  • Cleric 61-90
  • Wizard 91-100


  • Fighter 01-40
  • Cleric 41-70
  • Wizard 71-00


  • Fighter 01-40
  • Cleric 41-50
  • Wizard 51-00


  • Fighter 01-85
  • Cleric 86-00


  • Fighter 01-40
  • Cleric 41-50
  • Wizard 51-90
  • Forester 91-00


  • Fighter 01-70
  • Cleric 71-90
  • Wizard 91-00
If the player abuses this rule to raise his minions to a level and then demote them, these minions will begin to desert him and he will have found his reputation has diminished. He will find he has a hard time finding followers of anything but the most cursory type. 

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