21 January 2023

Revised Chargen Info Part II

What do you guys think about this description of the classes in my game? I want a brand-new player to be able to make a quick decision about what to play (and then help every player make decisions about his Bullpen characters.)

There are three other regular classes and three minor classes (lower power level) but these are the ones I want to make available at the start of the campaign. 

As follows: 

When you devise your character, one important choice to make is his character class. Character class will determine what special abilities you may use to interact with the environment, such as casting magic spells or becoming a master swordsman.

There are six classes to choose from. Three are human professions, and three are the demi-human races of Dwarf, Elf and Hobbit. 

Humans hear a faint noise on a 1 on 1d6 and have no other special detection abilities. However, they have no restrictions based on race, and they can reach level 14 in any of their classes. Here are the three human classes:

Clerics are holy warriors. Clerics use any armor and shield, and can use any blunt weapon. They are always Lawful. They can turn (scare away) undead, they know special secrets about how to fight horrible monsters, they perform miracles, and they can write scrolls. They have the most favorable XP chart of all classes. 

Fighting-Men are great leaders. They can use any weapon or shield, and any weapon including special magic swords. They get special combat advantages, special social interaction advantages, and have the most prestige among the realms of men. 

Magic-Users (or Wizards) use the most powerful kind of magic: arcane spells. They create magic items of every kind. They are the nuclear weapons of the fantasy medieval world, but start out somewhat weak. 

Dwarfs are stout. A character must have a Constitution of 9 or better or else he cannot be a Dwarf. They can use any armor and shield, and any short weapon. They can carry extra loot, but move slow. They can see in the dark, can smell gold, can test potions by taste, are experts at stonework, and have exceptionally good saving throws. They speak some extra languages of their kind. Dwarfs can attain level 12. 

Elfs are fey. A character must have a Strength and Intelligence of 9 or better or else he cannot be an Elf. They can use any armor and shield and use almost every weapon, as well as using arcane magic. Lightly-encumbered elfs move faster than any other character. They can see in the dark, and have special senses for the wilderlands and regarding secret doors. They speak some extra languages of their kind. Elfs can reach level 10. 

Hobbits are tiny country folk. If a character has any primary stat higher than 15, they cannot be a hobbit. Hobbits can wear any armor and carry a shield, but it must be properly sized. They can use any small weapon. Hobbits are very good at hiding and sneaking, and have exceptional aim. Hobbits can attain level 8.

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