18 February 2023

Steal This List of Pubs

I keep a lot of lists in my Big Binder of Stuff I use to run my games. rn (right now) I am assembling a list of plausible pub names. Some are real and some are made up. 

Well, ultimately, they’re all made up, aren’t they? 

Steal it. Or add to it in the comments! 

Wit’s End

The Druid

God Willing

Bridge over the troll

The Broken Arms


Hag’s Pot

Hog Wallers 

The Dove

The Bunch of Grapes

Kingshead (charges for drinks in predecimal currency)

The Piper - live music 

The Shambles

Hand & Flowers

Ye Olde Fighting Cocks

Tarts & Mead

Hooden Horse

Coronation Cider House

The Hatchet has axe throwing and a boxing ring

The Brass Dragon

De Hens - a gnome pub 

My starting town, Cragstone, is known for its honey. It also has a slaughterhouse. Therefore the two pubs will be the Tart & Mead and The Shambles. The inn is the Brass Dragon. It’s a staging inn with a gallery - which means you can drive your cart or coach right up and they will stable the horses for you. 

What will your starting town pub be called?

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